Seabridge Primary School is committed to inclusion. We believe that all pupils, including those identified as having Special Educational Needs / disability have an entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them. We support all of our pupils to be fully included in all aspects of school life.  

SENCO Miss K Edwards 01782432530

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Staffordshire's Local Offer

SEND Code of Practice

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EHCP Guidance

What is an EHCP and who is it for?

The EHCP and the person-centred connection

SEND Websites  

All About - Anger (From Younger Mind)

All About - Esteem (From Younger Mind)

All About - Relationships (From Younger Mind)

A special educational need can be a number of different things and will fall into one of the four broad areas of SEND: 

  • Communication and Interaction,
  • Cognition and Learning,
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH), 
  • Sensory and/ or Physical. 

A special educational need can be helped by putting extra support in at school, providing appropriate interventions, additional resources and in working in partnership with parents and, where required, external agencies. The need may also be due to a physical disability which makes it harder for the child to access the educational facilities provided by the school . For some children, this may be a temporary difficulty while for others, it may be a more long term need and require further specialist help.

We aim to identify children who have difficulties as soon as possible to ensure that appropriate support can be provided from an early age. Full use is made of any information passed to us by previous education providers (for children who attend a different nursery or who have moved settings) and we use assessments throughout school to identify pupils and any difficulties that they may have.

If there are concerns that your child has a special educational need, your teacher will discuss this within their teaching team and with the school SENCo. Time will then be spent to assess:

  • What your child’s strengths are
  • Which area(s) they need support in
  • How your child can be best supported
  • Which additional agency involvement may your child benefit from, if any

With parental agreement and parental and child involvement, an Individual  Support Plan will be generated with your child’s teacher and the school SENCo to detail personalised targets for your child and appropriate provisions to put in place. This action will then result in your child’s addition to the school SEND register. In some cases, we allow time to establish whether a need is developmental or an SEN need. 

At Seabridge Primary School, we recognise that many children can make increased progress with the correct support in place  and may no longer need the personalised targets or additional provisions as set out in their Individual Support Plan. Support Plans are monitored and assessed through the assess, plan, do, review process, with full reviews completed on a regular basis. Parents and children are encouraged to attend review meetings  to discuss their child’s progress and to take part in the development of their new targets.

With this in mind, our SEND register is fully fluid and is reviewed by the SENCo and teaching staff on a termly basis. If it is felt that where a child no longer requires the additional support and can continue to make good progress with high quality, differentiated teaching, they will be removed, with parental consent, from the SEND register at the termly review meeting.

SEND progress is monitored and tracked following a similar process to identification. Teacher assessment, formative and summative assessments, discussions and collaboration with parents and external agencies are used to continually identify and evaluate needs and provisions.